Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Running in the Rain

I ran tonight.  I felt strong.  Alive.  I've missed running and feeling like that! I've been biking so much lately that I've been neglecting my running shoes.  I hope that tonight's run restored their faith in my love for all of them.  My only run before tonight in the past few days was a trail run over the weekend that was not a good one.  I had one of those migraine auras the entire five miles and every step just hurt all over.  I was thankful for the run but I know that it probably wasn't my best idea ever to ignore the warning signs and hope the run straightened things out for me.

I had a wonderful ride Monday night with my beginner road bike group.  I actually rode to the meeting place and back on my bike and I was a bit surprised at how little fear I felt hanging with the cars on my own.  Usually I'm with the hubby and I always feel like the whole "safety in numbers" thing really applies to bike riding.  But, the flip side to that is that it's easy to follow the group and forget to be aware of your personal safety as well.  All in all, I rode just under 27 miles, and arrived home just in time for a lecture about riding in the dusk without a tail light from the hubby.  I promised that I wouldn't ever do it again and luckily, my new tail light came via UPS today so I don't have to break my promise!  (Not that I would.  I know he was right.  I was just so excited to be out there on my own riding!)  So after that, yesterday was a day to just get caught up on things and sort of hang out and I did some baking.  Snickerdoodle cupcakes, anyone???

So, anyway, tonight was a scheduled group run at a park that's close to our house.  We had been thinking of heading to the local rail trail and let me attempt clipless pedals again, but then I decided I really wanted to meet up and run with the trail runners instead.  And then, we weren't sure if were going or not because the rain was picking up and this place is already notorious for nasty mud.  In my mind, I think I was looking for any excuse to curl up and fall asleep on my honey's shoulder but it was not to be.  And I'm so glad because it was a great run.  Chilly and damp and the trail run leader is an expert at finding hills at one of the least hilly and technical places to run around here but still, a great one!  We did about 6 and a half miles and called it a night.  I was hungry but definitely could have done another few miles or so, that's just how good it was feeling.  I love runs that remind me of how much love I have for the sport.  Being out in the rain, stomping through muddy trails and soaking up every second is a great way to spend an evening.

One point of tonight's run was also special to me because it's a reminder of where I am and where I've come from.  The first time I ever went to this park was about 5 or 6 years ago.  We had come to hike the 9 mile trail around the lake and we were with our kids who were about 10 and 14 I think.  Anyway, we took so many breaks in hiking that it took us all day to traverse 9 fairly flat miles.  We got lost toward the end and ended up heading up this steep fire road and I couldn't walk up the whole thing - I had to take a break halfway up.  And I cried.  I'm shaking my head at myself wondering how I could not have known that I was out of shape and unhappy with myself at that point!?!  Tonight, I ran with all my might up that hill and loved every labored breath and every twinge of my quads burning because I did it.  I wanted to do a Rocky-esque arm raise at that top of that hill.  Yes.  I conquered this hill.  I conquered my inactivity.  I conquered being overweight.  I am living the life I never thought I could and I'm loving every minute of it. 

I just need to take that feeling with me to next weekend's marathon.  I want to remember every moment of it.  It's my first marathon, in a park I love running in, and I want to be able to remember how it felt for the rest of my life.  I want to conquer that 26.2 and remind myself that I can do anything I put my mind to!


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