Sunday, March 4, 2012

Staring a new decade down

I was commenting last night to the hubby that something about birthdays makes you retrospective.  You look at your past, evaluating your choices, judging your actions.  It's a process we all probably go through from time to time but especially so on those milestone birthdays.  As of yesterday, I am officially in my 40's.  Wow...when I was a kid that seemed so old!  But now that I'm here, it's not bad.  I feel like my stupid choices and decisions when I was younger somehow still landed me square in the middle of a pretty awesome life.  I say it so often that I know it must sound cliched, but I am blessed.  So many times in life, it's easy to get caught up in the trials of parenting, stresses of what family issues can bring, work stress, etc, etc that we have to work extra hard for those glimmers of the blessings in our lives.  Negativity grows like a weed without much prompting, but a positive attitude needs to be nurtured and fed to keep growing in our lives.  I choose to focus on the good because why let the bad ruin my day? 

For my birthday, I have been showered with so much love from my friends and family.  It's hard not to feel positive when you're surrounded by good wishes, flowers and notes! 
I was just having fun taking photos of them!  Looking around and seeing such loveliness is an instant mood brightener!  And then we spent the morning walking around the local garden show - so excited we got to talk to some beekeepers and are one step closer to getting our own apiary.  So many new things on the horizon for us - creating terraced gardens on the hillside to get more veggies growing, adding bees to our property, going all organic with our food and just making some changes that make our life more sustainable, more back to the earth.  It feels good! 

So, today we're off to run at a new park we've not tried yet.  I can't wait to scope out some new trails...less than 2 months til the marathon and I can't wait!  I'm so excited.  Life is good - even as a 40 year old!  :)


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