Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Every day we do things without thinking about them but they sustain us, make us who we are and generally we'd die without them. Breathing is an obvious one for most of us but for someone on oxygen or with asthma they don't take for granted that gift. The rest of us do. Each day is a new opportunity to use those innate parts of ourselves to better the world and the people around us. Do we take that charge seriously or do we trudge through the day, trying to get to tomorrow, the weekend, the holiday or whatever it is that is our "light at the end of the tunnel" motivation? If you're just trudging through life, you're missing the biggest part of life - the living. It's so easy to get caught up in the "if only" sayings. If only I had more time, If only I had more money, If only I had.... But if only is always looking for something else. Life is today, wherever you are, whatever you have, whatever you do. And it's not waiting for "if only" It's only here for the next 24 hours. What will you do with your gift of breath today?


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