Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stressed ?!?

Everyone talks about our stress filled lives and has this cure or that cure to make it better. But does that make us less stressed or make us feel worse about being so stressed in the first place. Is there a cure for "stressitis"? I think it lies in the way we respond and what we do that can change our body's response. I know when I get stressed, everything just eats away at me until I hate my life, I hate my job and all I really want to do is run away. Sometimes literally going for a run is enough, and other times I just need a break. That's what cooking does for me. For those moments that I'm creating a cohesive dish out of single, separate ingredients is soul-fulfilling. Taking a bread dough and dumping it on the counter and kneading out my frustrations into the soft dough is a joy. My husband jokes that is why I won't succumb to a bread maker even though I make so much bread each week.

To me, that is the answer to stress...finding that piece of earth in which you can be, create, or find a purpose beyond yourself. No matter what that is! I was talking with a friend today and I told her that I get frustrated with people who are always complaining about what they have/don't have. That isn't the way to live life. Enjoy what you have, don't dwell on what you don't and take each day as the renewed opportunity that it is.

And go make some bread...there really isn't a better cure. You get to stir and pound the bread with your frustrations, reflect and refocus while the bread rises and then the smell of bread baking is a sensory experience in itself! And the best part is enjoying that first piece of warm bread slathered with whatever tickles your fancy. I like peanut butter and honey, but I'm not opposed to some nice butter and jam!

Have a wonderful day everyone!


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